I have been neglecting this blog though certainly not due to any lack of interest in Mary Tudor. I have busy starting university and with this have moved to a new city, hence no time to update this site. However a few weeks back I noticed that there is to be a one day course at Oxford University on the subject of queenship in Tudor England (entitled
Tudor Queens: Myth and Actuality), which involves two lectures including the example of Mary. Anna Whitelock, whose biography of Mary came out this year, will be speaking. I’m going and will post information regarding the discussions on this blog. The website states that places are still available:
Since my last entry I have noticed a date for the upcoming book, Alice Hunt and Anna Whitelock (eds.),
Tudor Queens: The Reigns of Mary and Elizabeth (Palgrave - I have noticed the title of this book is listed differently on various sites). Apparently it is due out in May 2010 and is 256 pages long. Whitelock has also contributed an article in the recently released book, Liz Oakley-Brown and Louise Wilkinson (eds.),
Rituals and Rhetoric of Queenship (Four Courts Press, 2009). The article is entitled ‘Mary: the First Queen of England’.In the same book, S.L. Müller, has written an article entitled ‘Representing the body of Mary Tudor’, which sounds really interesting:
http://www.fourcourtspress.ie/product.php?intProductID=881There seems to be a succession of works relating to female rule in early modern Europe, some of which will hopeful discuss Mary. One to look out for is Sharon L. Jansen,
The Monstrous Regiment of Women: Female Rulers in Early Modern Europe (out Feb 2010).
I'm glad you are still posting. I am looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the lectures.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteI have some photos of the Guildhall in London, which was the setting of Mary’s notable speech before the citizens of the city in 1554. I will post the images soon!